Army Erb Codes

Armed forces use Army Erb codes for a variety of purposes, including awarding educational benefits and determining eligibility for military education programs. To find out which code is associated with a specific school or program, servicemembers should inquire with their school or program administrator. Army ERB codes are assigned by the Army Educational Review Board, a three-person panel that reviews the soldier’s educational background and recommends appropriate courses of study.

The Army uses the eMILPO Functional Guidance to maintain the ERB. The eMILPO program allows up to fifteen military schools to enter courses. In addition to course codes, DA Form 87, Certificate of Training, and eMILPO forms are source documents. The resulting erb codes will allow the Army to track the quality of military education. A training program is the best way to advance in your career.

Army Regulation 635-5-1 is an implementation of the Department of Defense policy on standardized entries on DD Form 214. This regulation establishes specific authorities and reasons for separation from active duty. It also specifies SPD codes for enlisted personnel. These regulations apply to all Soldiers, including those eligible to re-enlist or those who have already signed DCSS. And if the Soldier’s record shows that he has not signed the DCSS, he is classified as a reservist.